Network Rail

CTRL Tunnel Ventilation Control

Ematics were appointed by Network Rail to provide specialist software engineering and systems assurance for implementation of the Ventilation Control System for the three CTRL tunnels.

Project Date: 2004 – 2007
Client: Network Rail

Jacobs Engineering

Dublin Port Tunnel

Ematics were commissioned to conduct a site survey of the Dublin Port Tunnel’s network to investigate both the design concept, current performance and reliability of it’s infrastructure.

Project Date: 2004 – 2007
Client: Network Rail

Medway County Council

Tunnel Control, Data Communications & Electrical Subsystem Replacement

Ematics were appointed by Medway County Council to design, supply, install, test and commission a range of new systems for the Medway Tunnel.

Project Date: 2012 – 2015
Client: Medway County Council

Transport For London

Eastway Tunnel Lighting

Ematics were appointed by Transport for London to support them with a lighting upgrade at the Eastway Tunnel.

Project Date: 20010 – 2005
Client: Transport for London

Transport For London

Hanger Lane Tunnel Lighting

Ematics division were appointed by Transport for London to support them with lighting upgrades to the Hanger Lane Tunnel.

Project Date: 20012 – 2014
Client: Transport for London


Unified SCADA System

Ematics were appointed by Merseytravel to provide a unified SCADA System to replace five diverse control systems in operation for the Kingsway and Queensway tunnels, which were predominantly FactoryLink based.

Project Date: 2014 – 2018
Client: Merseytravel